Shakespeare 101 is the ultimate guide to the great Bard. Michael LoMonico has gathered over 150 lists embracing anything and everything about the world's best-known author. A witty compilation—a pretty foil for the Bard himself—you'll soon know a groat from a farthing and pick up of history's best insults, expressions (now cliches), and all sorts of naughty bits. Meet his most sinister villains, learn arcane coinages (boiled-brains, clodpole, and clapper claw), and find out why wife Anne was left his "second-best" bed. Shakespeare 101 leaves no doubt that William Shakespeare was and remains the master of the English language.



“it sits on top of my desk and is the first place I look for Shakespeare trivia on the man, his life, and of course, the plays”

Shakespeare Lover

“This title is very helpful for teachers who want to encourage more performance-based Shakespeare in their high school English classes.”

A. Jordan